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Local Rules of Practice

Ochiltree, Hansford And Hutchinson Counties

  1. Settings. All cases, contested and uncontested, jury and non-jury, will be set for trial at the request of any counsel or party in the case.  The cases will be set for trial in the order that such request for trial setting is filed with the Court Administrator at P. O. Drawer 3437, STINNETT, TEXAS, 79083-3437.  Contact numbers in Stinnett are phone: (806) 878-4022 or fax (806) 878-3117.  Contact numbers in Spearman are phone:  (806) 659-4160 or fax (806) 659-4160.

All requests for setting must be made through the Court’s website, 84thcourt.com, and contain an estimate of the length of time required to conduct the trial or hearing with a copy of same sent to opposing counsel and the District Clerk of the county the case is filed in. A certificate of conference is required for all settings in which the requesting attorney is aware of the existence of opposing counsel.

  1. Jury Trials. All jury weeks begin as ordered by the Court. The jury will report at 9:00 a.m. Counsel should be present in the courtroom at 8:30 a.m., prior to jury selection, unless the notice of setting from the Court Administrator advises otherwise.

If opposing counsel objects to the immediate setting of a case for jury trial, they must file a verified motion for continuance, within 14 days of receipt of said request, setting out their grounds for continuance in detail (e.g., additional discovery is required, material witnesses are unavailable, etc.).

If no objections are received within 14 days, the case will be set for trial.

No less than one (1) week before trial, any suggested special issues are to be provided to the Court as well as a brief summation of the case and a proposed jury charge.  Said summation and jury charge are to be mailed, faxed, or emailed to the Judge and not filed with the Clerk.

  1. Pre-Trial Hearing. Pre-trial hearing will be scheduled when counsel for one of the parties to the case shows cause and requests same.  All motions, exceptions and other pre-trial matters, except motions in limine, filed in the cases must be called to the attention of the Court and set for hearing at least 14 days prior to the date of trial or same will have been waived.

Each criminal case set for jury trial shall have a mandatory pre-trial hearing no less than 21 days prior to trial.

The Court will allow remote proceedings on pre-trial matters when possible.  All remote proceedings should be prearranged with the Court Administrator.

  1. Domestic Cases. In all cases where support, either temporary or final, is an issue, financial information statements shall be filed before the temporary hearing, per 84th District Court Standing Order.

  2. Motions for Continuance. All motions for continuance shall be made in writing and comply with any applicable rules. The motion or request shall state, in detail, the reason for the delay.  A motion for continuance will not be considered unless the foregoing has been complied with.

  3. Lack of Prosecution. Family law actions and actions for liquidated monetary claims on file over 12 months and not tried and all other civil actions on file over 18 months and not tried are subject to being placed on the inactive docket and may be subject to dismissal for lack of prosecution pursuant to Rule 165, T.R.C.P.

  4. Miscellaneous. Counsel should notify the Court immediately upon settlement of any case.

The central office of the 84th Judicial District is maintained in the Hutchinson County Courthouse in Stinnett.  The Court Administrator can be reached either in the central office or in the Hansford County Courthouse in Spearman.  One of these offices is staffed during normal working hours.  All correspondence concerning cases on file in the District should be addressed to the Court at the following address:  P. O. Drawer 3437, Stinnett, Texas 79083.  The telephone and fax numbers for both offices are listed below.

My Court Administrator has full authority to make settings and can be reached at the address above.

/s/ Curt Brancheau
Curtis W. Brancheau, District Judge
84th Judicial District of Texas

Effective April 1st, 2024.

84th Judicial District Court
P.O. Drawer 3437
Stinnett, TX 79083

(806) 878-4022 – Stinnett
(806) 659-4160 – Spearman

(806) 878-3117 – Stinnett
(806) 659-2299 – Spearman

Presiding Judge:
Hon. Curtis W. “Curt” Brancheau
Court email: 84@hutchinsoncnty.com

Court Reporter:
Debbie Martin

Court Administrator:
Landy Crittenden


District Clerks:

The appropriate Clerk should be contacted for their specific fee schedule.

Janet Torres, Hansford County
15 Northwest Court
Spearman, TX 79081-0397
Phone: (806) 659-4111

Shawn Bogard, Ochiltree County
511 S. Main, Box 3
Perryton, TX 79070
Phone: (806) 435-8054

Tammy McBrayer, Hutchinson County
P. O. Box 580
Stinnett, TX 79083-0580
Phone: (806) 878-4017